Your identity is not in the crisis you underwent, your identity is in Christ. In scripture, Joseph experienced obstacles similar to so many people. Joseph was favored by His Heavenly Father, God, and his earthly Father, Jacob, but his brothers mistreated him. Joseph suffered abuse, neglect, and rejection by the very ones who were supposed to show him love, and protection. Joseph was disregarded and dismissed when he shared his dreams, and later abandoned and literally sold out by his siblings. Later on, in life, Joseph was forgotten by the very ones he helped and he was even lied on by his boss’s wife. But even in the crises of life, Joseph’s identity was in God.
God already declared a blessing over Joseph before his birth by and through his Great-Grandfather Abraham. God declared the identity of Abraham’s descendants stating “I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you.” (Gen 17:6). Although Joseph went through several obstacles it couldn’t strip him of his God-given identity. Joseph became the ruler of Egypt and God made him exceedingly fruitful.
What God declared, revealed, and confirmed about Joseph manifested, even though his beginning was a challenge. After hearing or reading Joseph's story, do you notice any similarities in your life? Have you ever shared your dreams with people who dismissed them? Have you ever experienced mistreatment from those you thought shared the same morals as you? Have you ever looked at all the obstacles you've gone through and thought your identity was in the storm, instead of the savior? Take a moment and allow Joseph’s story serve as a resource of encouragement for you today. You are not defined by the storms you endured, you are defined by The Divine Savior, Jesus Christ.
Targeted Scripture
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
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